How To Pack Your Bag For Your First International Flight?
“Just in case… I packed it all.”
Going vacationing is cool and all but we are sure you have heard people talking about packing is the biggest nightmare, especially when you are travelling to another country for the first time.
Well, we have heard it too.
And that is why we have brought some tips on how and what you should pack if you are travelling for the first time to an international location? Especially, when you are planning your trip post-COVID-19.
As per the needs, the packing requirements can be divided into the following categories:
Basic Travel Requirements
Travelling Abroad comes with a few basic travel requirements which are a must to carry. These are also a few things that are the most stressful and confusing. So, believe us, you wouldn’t want to increase your stress by forgetting any of these back at home.
01 Passport, Visa, and Documents along with Their Copies
We hope you are carrying your passport and visa already but have you made sure that you have all the other required documents with you too? Your identity card, student ID (in case of students), statement of purpose for going abroad, and tickets are a few such documents. Make sure you are carrying their copies too in case you have to submit them at your hotels or homestays where you are staying.
02 Medications and their recommendation from Doctor
It is not restricted for people with health conditions to travel abroad except they have been told not to. Still, it is possible that carrying medications can be objected to at airport security checks and so on. Therefore, consult your doctor and make sure you have enough medicines for your vacation, and also, have written confirmation of your need for the medicine so that you can get a pass from the security.
03 Travel Insurance
Many countries like the US and the UK also check travel insurance. It is to make sure that the traveller is able to carry out the expenses in cases of emergency and that they have enough funds to return back to their country with proper safety measures.
04 Travel Itinerary, Map, and Translation Book
Yes, the mobile, gadgets, and internet work everywhere but many travellers still believe in the age-old, traditional ways of travelling. In case of a longer stay, it is important to prepare an itinerary as it can save the unnecessary hassle and save expenses too. As for the map, they come in handy for hiking and explorations which are perfect for wandering travellers. A translation book can help during your vacations in a country where the common language is different from yours to help you get your messages conveyed without causing a problem. Tip: Use clear words and phrases to communicate.
Essential Requirements
Even when you are not going to the end of the world, it is important to carry the essentials because you never know what adventures are hidden in your travels.
01 Sanitizers and Masks
Carry sanitizers and extra masks with you every time. This is not just a recommended protocol for post-covid 19 travelling but in general. It can save you from native flu or virus as well to which your body has not been acquainted ever.
02 Emergency Contacts
With the increased usage of mobiles, people have become more and more oblivious when it comes to learning contacts. Therefore, carry the emergency contact/s with you in writing so that in case you lose your phone or if any other unexpected situation arises, you can still have the contact with you.
03 Smaller Bag/Handbag
Other than your luggage bag, carry a small handbag in which you can put your daily essentials which you need to carry around. It comes in handy for carrying stuff like water bottles, food or snacks, passport, documents, and so on. (This is not just for an international journey but for any other trip too.)
04 Card & Cash
Do not completely depend on your card whether credit or debit and do not, as well, depend on the cash only while travelling to another country. As per your expected expenses, carry both cash and cards with you. Also, check the place where you are travelling too. If it’s a remote area, carry more cash.
05 Phones, Chargers & Universal Adaptors
We know you probably won’t forget your mobiles, but who knows, right? We have seen instances where the excitement gets the best of our fellow travellers. Carrying phones and chargers are a must but carrying a universal adaptor can help more than that. Different countries can have different electric boards, and thus, if you are planning to travel to many different countries, having a universal adaptor becomes a must too.
Recommended Things
After travelling nationally and internationally, below are a few recommended things you must pack in your bag before boarding the plane.
01 Comfortable Shoes & Outfits
It is possible that you get to walk a lot during your travel journeys and maybe get a bit more adventurous than you have imagined. Therefore, make sure you are carrying shoes that are comfortable (avoid getting new shoes for journeys as they may hurt your feet) in walking and dresses which are perfect for any kind of situation.
02 Nice Outfits for Good Events
Carry nice outfits as well in case you want to spend some leisure time on your vacations. Exploring festivals, good restaurants, and living like your favorite characters from movies or books are also a part of vacationing. Therefore, plan your trip and pack your bags.
03 Hiking Boots & Raincoat
For journeys that include hiking, trekking, or uncertain weather conditions, you must carry the right equipment. In other cases, these items can be just concluded as weights but in scenarios, which fit our above description, these items become essentials.
04 Own Toiletries (In Case)
You can get mini toiletries for your travel in order to keep the luggage weight under the prescribed number. These include soaps/body wash, moisturizers, sunscreens, toothpaste, shampoo, and so on. For hitchhiking trips and trips to remote areas, having your own toiletries can make your journey really relaxing.
05 Plastic/Ziplock Bags
Carrying plastic bags and ziplock bags are important when you do not want your stuff in the bag to get wet. You can also keep your items sorted in different bags to reduce confusion or carry your wet clothes in these plastic bags. Just imagine, you saw a freshwater stream during your hiking and you decided to take a dip.
06 Chain Locks
Chain locks or luggage locks are obviously for security purposes. You wouldn’t want your important documents or money to get stolen from your bags, now won’t you? Using small locks for your luggage and bags can save you from uncertain events and troubles.
07 Microfibre Towel
One of the most useful travel packing tips is to carry things which are useful in terms of lightweight and cover less area. A Microfibre towel is one such thing. It dries quickly unlike the usual towels and they take less place in bags in terms of space and weight both.
08 Pen & Paper
While you are packing your bag, carry a working pen as well as paper with you. You never know when you are required to draw and show what you need in case your translation fails miserably. Lol. Jokes apart, carrying a pen & paper can be useful in many situations you will be surprised to know. Carry it in your carry bag while packing the things.
For Self Entertainment
Now, let us focus on the entertainment spectrum to make sure that no moment during your journey gets dull or you can have a more quality time for yourself even when you are travelling with someone else.
01 Books
International travelling can take longer hours than national flights which provide you enough time to catch up on your favorite books. Moreover, in locations where you have no network and more nature, having a book that fits the mood can make your time much more memorable.
02 Headphones/Earphones
Music has become one of the best companions for travellers but we don’t want you to disturb other travellers on your way to adventure. Carrying headphones or earphones with noise blockage does not just let you have an entertaining journey but also allows your fellow to enjoy their journeys to the destination.
03 Camera
Do not forget to pack your camera in the bag. (If you have a great phone, then maybe you can leave the additional weight at home.) In case you want to capture your first international trip in full HD, then carrying a camera along is definitely the right choice. But make sure you are not always looking at the beautiful sunsets from behind the camera lens.